Our Services

General Medical Consultation

General Medical Consultation

Sri Sesha Sai Herbals offers you consultation and treatment for the following branches of medicine.


  • Dermatology - psoriasis, eczema, tinea, alopecia, vitiligo, warts, diabetic ulcer.
  • Gynaecology - PCOS, PID, fibroid uterus, adenomyosis, infertility, fibroadenoma of breast.
  • Neurology - epilepsy, Parkinson disease, facial palsy, hemiplegia.
  • Gastroenterology - peptic ulcer, GERD, colitis, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, IBS, hemorrhoids, fissure, perianal abscess, fistula, hepatitis, jaundice, CLD, fatty liver and alcoholic liver disease.
  • Endocrinology - hypo / hyperthyroidism, diabetes.
  • Pulmonology - bronchial asthma, COPD, ILD, pneumonia, common cold, flu, sleep apnea.
  • Nephrology - CKD, renal calculi, UTI.
  • Orthopedics - cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, autoimmune condition like RA and SLE.
  • Paediatrics - ADHD, autism, cerebral palsy, myopathy, hemiplegia, milestone developmental delay.
  • Haematology - thrombocytopenia, anaemia.
  • Palliative care for all types of cancers.


Panchakarma is a set of five karmas or methods of flushing out accumulated toxic materials.
The expelling of toxic materials from deep tissue is a complex thing. An Ayurvedic physician determinerd the type of panchakarma based on his constitution or prakriti, his physical condition and the season in which the treatment I conducted.


  • Helps to restore metabolic fire (AGNI).
  • Improves strength, endurance and vitality.
  • Eliminates AMA (toxins) strengthens tissue functions.
  • Reduces stress, improves relaxation & tolerance.
  • Helps in implementing a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  • Enhances the complexion, skin glow, luster & immunity.
  • Boosts the bodies immunity levels.


Varmam is a unique branch of siddha system of medicine which involves the therapeutic manipulation of certain vital life energy points (places where pranan is concentrated) to normalize the flow of Vasi or swasam in the body.
Totally 108 varma points which include 12 paduvarmam and 96 thoduvarmam were described in siddha text varmakannadivarmams are tuned in various pressure by varmam therapists for managing different musculoskeletal disorders like cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and arthritis of knee joint.


  • Relieves general muscle spasm.
  • Boosts memory and overall immunity.
  • Helpful in treatment of special children and various neurological disorders like hemiplegia, facial palsy, parkinsonism, etc.
  • Corrects refractory error and glaucoma.
  • Relieves headache due to sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, and food allergy.
  • Management of endocrine disorders like hypo / hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus.
  • Helps to control uterine bleeding and dysmenorrhea.
  • Arrests vomiting, controls hiccup and relieves constipation.
  • Improves speech and controls stammering.
  • In genitourinary tract, it controls bedwetting, stress and urge incontinence.
Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology

Medical astrology is a branch of earliest medical system that connects various parts of the body, illness and medicine under the effect of sun, moon and planets.
Ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates, Father of Medicine states “He who does not understand astrology is not a doctor”
Medical astrology is a science that helps to evaluate and predict disease possibilities from patient’s horoscope.


  • It gives guidance for taking medicines at suitable time for different diseases.
  • Medicinal herbs were collected and used at appropriate time for obtaining maximum efficacy.
  • Result of the treatment can easily be predicted.
  • It is helpful to identify the planets which affect health and helps to propitiate by astrological remedies.